Qikspace - Augmenting the Process

CREATING A NEW FUTURE: that's Qikspace

Objective Statement --

Help companies expand their markets; by leveraging technology to improve their market position, increase profitability, expand their brand, improve productivity and reduce their risk. Now is the time to take action and unlock the 80% of your data that is currently inaccessible, or be run over by your competitors who do take action. Let Qikspace help you take advantage of this technology shift, and become better than you ever were before.

Why Qikspace Can Get You There --

Qikspace is based on 9 years of research into Contextual Relevance in Human Interactions and over 20+ years of developing and deploying enterprise data and interation technology. We have seen the problems of many of the largest companies in the world and explored the complexities created when they interact with some of the smallest companies as their suppliers. What we found with the deployment of world sourcing and just-in-time is that it is not always the strategic suppliers that can impact profitability, but many times the small vendors can have huge impacts on a projects success and profitability. The lesson is the WHOLE supply chain matters and communication and distribution of changes is mission-critical. Qikspace has the team to get it done.

Positioning Statement --

Qikspace is meant as an enabling technology: Qikspace feeds data to ERP's and CRM's, contextualizes data for AI, Organizes data and interactions, so it is understandable to the user, and has created a unique interface that enables AR & VR, and immersive computing.

Origin Story --

Started as a PhD proposal for the founders studies at MIT and turned into an independent research company and ultimately a commercial product.

Competitors --

Microsoft, SAP and Salesforce are primary competitors, Qikspace takes a different approach to the market than its competitors. Others believe the base issue facing users is communication, file sharing and analytics. Qikspace's found that the issue is the overwhelming, unstructured and non-contextualized flow of; content, communication, subjects, meetings, and deliverables. This stuff is 80% of a companies' data, and the most critical for day to day operations. Dropbox, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, SAP and Salesforce are entities that need to integrate the Qikspace platform.

How to get Qikspace --

Qikspace is currently in a closed beta. Sign-Up to be on our wait-list.


Qikspace info --

Contact info --

E: info@qikspace.com
C: +1-732-673-2370

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Develop your next app with Qikspace SDK