Capture and review later, all interactions that occur during; MEETINGS, CLASSES, GATHERINGS, HAPPENINGS, SERVICE-CALLS and SURVEYS.

A lot happens during a calendar event! Pictures, notes, messages, new contacts, to-do lists and much more. Keep what occurs for your own records or share it with the other attendees, clients, customers or anyone else. When Google Calendar doesn't capture it, Qikspace will, regardless of location or device being used. Enabling attendees to capture and share everything IS EASY.

If you need to look back and see what happened during an event, IT's JUST THERE!. Want see what else you have done, or exchanged, with that group, or any of the individual attendees, it will show you. Be in control of your engagement experiences, the people you interact with and the events you choose.

Qikspace adds features to Slack , Google Calendar, Outlook, and Asana.

Qikspace event
Events that capture the interactions.
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