Tasks - Do, Learn, Survey

Tasks can be To-Do's, Dispatches, Assignments, Exams, or Surveys.

To-Do's can be a changeable grocery list, an R&D project or a complete supply chain. To effectively execute tasks: they need to be assigned, reassigned, statused, tracked, and archived. Most task management tools are either too limited or too complex for given aspects of a project. Qikspace uses its own Ball-In-Court (BIC) tracking tool, so all interested parties always know the exact status of a task and will be notified if any current action requires attention and immediacy.

Assignments and Exams are perfect for school, institutional or work training environments. Answers can be shared via text, picture, template, file, a folder, video or audio clip to facilitate deadlines.

Surveys allow quantitative and qualitative feedback on a given subject. Understand a user's position, opinion or perform an analysis.

It is now possible for users to see what is important to them in real-time. Feed the more complex tasks into an administrator portal without human assistance.
An AI enabled solution enhances the experience for: students, shoppers, construction companies, service providers, maintenance personnel, surveyors; a system capable of interfacing into inventory, POS, logistics, scheduling, ERP and CRM systems. Empowering the customer, remote worker, office worker, manufacturer, planner and administrator.

Even if you're an E-tailer trying to fill your customer's needs, or a manufacturer trying to manage a just-in-time supply chain, Qikspace changes the way it gets done with its data contextualization and AI enhancements.
Qikspace can be used in conjuntion with or as an alternative to: Slack Lists, Asana, and Monday.

Qikspace event
Captures: notes, comments, pictures, conversations and file versions.
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