Qikspace PR & Media Kit

ACCESSING THE OTHER 80%: that's Qikspace

Mission Statement --

Make workflows intelligent, interactions personalized, data contextualized, processes visualized, and organizations more agile, all while reducing AI costs with a shared AI model, increasing data security & data access control. Allows users to access data and interactions regardless of source ---- Help teams get things done right and businesses structurally more agile.

Value proposition --

Qikspace manages your unstructured data (85% of all data), shared communications channels, shared file spaces and enables enhanced sharing across other solutions providers. With the Qikspace solution you can see what is being done with whom and why, set timeout periods for any communication file share or other interactions. Never before has so much power been given to the user and associated organization; the Qikspace AI base enables big data solutions that have never been possible without Qikspace technology.

Positioning Statement --

For the billions of mobile individuals, students and business leaders who work and interact in dynamic ways. Qikspace makes work and working together easier than ever before. Qikspace enables the AI, AR and LLM's and will disrupt the enterprise data access and management markets.

Origin Story --

A Seattle based startup founded in 2012 as a research company and in 2020 evolved into a commercial product, bootstrapped with $50 million. www.qikspace.com

Competitors --

Microsoft and Salesforce are primary competitors, Qikspace takes a different approach to the market than its competitors. Others believe the core issue facing users is communication, single source AI and file sharing. Qikspace found that the issue is the overwhelming influx of disparate; content, communication, subjects, meetings, pltaforms, and deliverables. Qikspace tackled this problem by assigning the best AI, contextualizing data and structuring the 85% of data that others ignore.

Current Users --

Qikspace is in a private Beta and opening a public Beta in October 2024.


Qikspace info --

Bellevue WA, 98006

Contact info --

David Smith, Founder & CEO Dsmith@qikspace.com C +1-732-673-2370

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Qikspace feature set

Develop your next app with Qikspace SDK