When cloud storage doesn't do it, a Qikspace shared workspace (Spaces) does it for teams, projects, gatherings, students and individuals. Spaces allow private (unshared) work areas, auto-notifications, comments, dialog, meetings, calls, tasks, versioning, sub-workspaces and much more. In other words, Shared-Workspaces allows you to proactively interact and manage, not just store and view. A special feature is the private (non-shared) storage area, control when to share your work with others, without having to create a separate work area. Qikspace lets you keep control of how you work and when you interact, all while providing file versioning and reversioning tools.

Qikspace can be used in conjunction with or as an alternative to Dropbox , Box, Google Drive, and Basecamp.

Qikspace event
searching, working, sharing, and versioning is easy with Spaces
Develop your next app with Qikspace SDK